Liquid stylus cleaner without solvent

Does anything like this exist and if yes, is it effective?

I've  used Last Stylus cleaner on all the carts I have had for last 40 years and have never had a problem. Just one small application every 15 to 20 records. I use a soft dry brush after playing every side.

I've  used Last Stylus cleaner on all the carts I have had for last 40 years and have never had a problem. Just one small application every 15 to 20 records. I use a soft dry brush after playing every side.


I use two products. Osage AIVS Enzymatic Stylus Cleaning fluid and Lyra SPT.

I recently started using the Osage AIVS as a way to do a little deeper cleaning with it's included brush. It seems very effective. And, I've been a long time user of the Lyra SPT and, while it does clean, I always thought of it as more of a lubricant and protectant that helps get the stylus deeper into the groove while minimizing wear on it.

I just need to find an easier brush to use with the Lyra fluid. Any suggestions?

Use a small painter's brush. Cut bristles down to a quarter inch. Cut wood handle down to 3 inches. Voila! Stylus brush.