The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts

Post removed 

You are wrong here my friend...

ALL are bots...

I know you know already that for sure... I am retired and i had the bad habit to rant... 😊

Most people would not even listen to the truth because it is too horrible to fathom..

They will call us conspirationists, a word created by CIA to cover the inquiries in Kennedy assassination, and Robert Kennedy assassination UNRESOLVED to this day..

Now ask yourself why A man like Robert Kennedy junior is on a justice mission against big pharma?

With a brain working and if you listen this CIA crash course you will understand..

It is way simpler than electricity to understand anyway which is a completely UNEXPLAINED phenomenon anyway... Save if you apply Maxwell equations without understanding them for a living....Habits are a powerful way to convince ourself that we understand something...

Knowledge is not science and science is not technology....

Technology without science is greed and power, science without knowledge is programmed ignorance...


Knowledge and true understanding NEVER occur without a complete transformation of a personality for the good most of the times or for the worst sometimes... NEVER...

If we read any genius life in ANY field this is clear and simple to see...

For example if you think you understand the prime number distribution without being in an ectasy, sorrry you dont understand it AT ALL.... The same thing is TRUE for any phenomenon , natural, spiritual, or mathematical...

Understanding Gauss or Christ implicate to enter in ectasy and in a vision deeper than your own ordinary usual mind habit....Or transformation of the spirit...If not you have not understood anything... Memorizing laws is not understanding them...Understanding something is not ONLY solving a problem, like soving a puzzle...Problem solving are only a training exercise ...

Understanding is not a belief it is a VISION more luminous than the sun...

Read when Tesla discovered, when studying at the university the idea of his alternative current motor, walking and reading Goethe Faust by memory to his friend... This is only an example...


A lot of mainstream news outlets are bots, and the bots are very good.

@mahgister watch this one when you get a chance. would be interesting to see what you think.

Add: There is no political solution to a spiritual problem. Hang in there, and just enjoy the ride, we get to have front row seats to the ending of an age. Human Consciousness will rise regardless of whatever else happens are not alone.