High Fidelity Sound Speaker

Here is what I call High Fidelity Sound.
Sorry if you have issues making a  determination

**Ohh YT compression,,,ohh comp speakers can reveal the actual in room listening experience,,,, cheap cam micing...**
WEll I can.
This is probably the very finest sound I've ever herad froma  spaker.
Thing is, fouund this video while continuing my research on my next speaker build
Fostex Sigma 8 + Fostex Sigma 4 
The Sigma 4 is in this video.
No doubt,  and now i understand what you guys were getting at about **The whizzer thing** making unwanted resonances.
Got it
No whizzer.
Project should be up by may 2022.
Going to sell the DLVX8
TB2145 Good
DLVX8 Better
Fostex Sigma 8 The Best

I'd like to see any xover type design beat out this Fostex Sigma 106. 


came to decision , no whizzer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEll Bache here is my Q to you IF as you say whizzers only cause problems aka distortion,, then why are the 3 big names all employing whizzers??? Did they, after all these decdaes, get it wrong??? Im not hearing any distortion whatsoever in either Davidlouis. Net zero distortion. Now at 110 SPL,, perhaps something might be there,,But at my comfort zone, 60 SPL< both drivers are accurate ad smooth. I see Fostex hasa Sigma wi8th no whizzer,,, but thing with all Fostex, is the charactistic **house The Shout. Maybe Fostex has a few with no shout, I dont know this. maybe yes, maybe no. The issue with the TB2145, is the slight beaming. Its there as I do recall. This would grate on my nerves, I shippe it back. I have no idea what you find offensive in the DLVX8,,, I see you havea pair for sale , with whizzer removed. IMHO the chinese tech who built the VX8/VX6 hit a grand slam. Again we should re tag these drivers as ::Full Midrange speakers, not Full Range speakers. The DIYers finally came over to my new tagging, they resisted in the beginning. Full-Total-Complete- Midrange-Speakers. w some bass.highs as a bonus. xover/low sens types that are so so sooooooo super duper popular here on Audiogon and in audiophile land,, IMHO can't compete with a high end FCTMS (aka Fullcompletetotalmidrangespeker) The xover cult club ignores my beliefs, my researches, my discoveries. China audiophiles already made the discovery. I seriously ,,,well lets say in 10 years we will see soe movement away from xover/low sens types and a move towards FMS(aka Full Midrange Speakers)), Its onlya matter of time before this shift takes place. Its my guess half the box xover manufacturers like Zu and Tekton, Wilson, all fold up shop as the new economic downturn begins to grip folks pocket books,. Wilson $20k+++ vs my DLVX8 $550. Do the math.

"The xover cult club ignores my beliefs, my researches, my discoveries."

Of course they do, because of your slipshod crackpot methods.

Im not hearing any distortion whatsoever in either Davidlouis. Net zero distortion. 

Based on your videos, it would seem that there are only two possible answers. 

A.) You don't know what distortion sounds like.

B.) Your hearing stinks.


@mozartfan  Looks like you did not read my last post carefully , I am not say Whizzer cone got distortion , The main stream Speaker audio Manufactor dont use whizzer cone drivers,