How do you know when a stereo sounds good?

When do you know your system is pleasing to listen to? How do you conclusively prove to yourself that your system sounds good to you? How do you determine that you enjoy listening to music through your stereo? Do you have a suite of measurements that removes all shadow of a doubt that you are getting good sound, sound that you enjoy? Please share.

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Well, without reading all the answers, it's when I can crank it up, go into another room in the house and my ears think it sounds like there is a band playing live in the living room.  The genre really doesn't matter but especially with Jazz or Classical

How about this it’s very simple and you don’t need 

all the bullshit theory’s or work for NASA. 
It sounds good when ever you think it sounds good. 
It’s your music it’s your place of living it’s your stereo 

when you think it sounds good that’s all that matters 

there it is plain and simple