I have used about every form of Apple product, PC with different software. Also, many DAC variations, Then I discovered dedicated streamers: Aries G2, Aurender N100, Aurender N10, and Aurender W20SE. The sound quality at the beginning of this list varied little… not until I hit the N100 did the sound quality start jumping in huge bounds. My W20SE is equally satisfying with my very excellent analog leg. You can see my systems under my user ID.
I think @mapman indirectly brings up a good point. What is the point of your system and strategy. Is there a “good enough” objective so you can quit or are you looking for ongoing better sound and as long as significant cost effective improvements are possible? I have had life long interest in achieving better sound and have been rewarded at every turn with greater enjoyment. If the later, I highly recommend getting on the Aurender ladder. Dead quiet background, natural and detailed sound with a great interface to control and explore your music is what this provides.