Merry Christmas to Me.....New tonearm on the way

I got back into vinyl in the very early 2000's. Great time for buying records after buying into the perfect sound forever in the 80's. Sometime later I bought my Teres 340, which was a far reach in my pocket. Since i spent all the $$$ on a good TT, I had to buy a temporary  tonearm. Enter the Origin Live Illustrious 3. However that was 12-14 yrs ago . The TT sounds so good that I just upgraded other parts of the system without thought to the tonearm.

I have been on the hunt for a tonearm for about 6 months now. I finally pulled the trigger on a TriPlanar Mk Vii which  was just updated to the latest specs. it should be here tomorrow. Hopefully this will be the final piece of a puzzle which has taken a long time.

That said, many tweaks have been done previously to the system and more to go. My system has never sounded better. But I suspect the TriPlanar will take it up even further. But I still great respect for the OL arms



The arm just arrived. Wife did too. She doesn't know .....yet. Not sure I'll get it setup today. We'll see.

FWIW I have not gotten myself all giddy with high expectations. I learned years ago that usually leads to a letdown. But I will hang on to the OL til I'm sure just how good the TP is.

Smart move. In case it doesn't work out, you might not know this but Mark Baker gives full original purchase price of your old arm when buying a new one. At least he did for me. So I got to use my Conqueror almost 15 years and then bam, full money back towards the Enterprise. So you got that for a pretty nice fallback just in case. But I still have my fingers crossed for you and the TP!


I had meant to call or email you about that. But life happened and then this arm came up for sale and I grabbed it. But that is good to know. I may have bought the Conqueror if I had known it. But it's still all good. I've never had a tonearm with this many easy adjustments. I realize that is a 2 edge sword. Back ion the 80's I put a graphic equalizer in my system. After a month of constant ocd tone adjustments, I removed it and sold it. The only thing I didn't like about the OL was it's clunky adjustments.

They're extensively improved now. Even little things like the arm rest and lifter. They should add vernier marks on the VTA adjuster. Works fine, just have to DIY if you want that, which is not at all hard to do. My favorite is they added a little threaded counterweight that makes it a whole lot easier to fine tune VTF. Plus a lot of little visual style type improvements.

You are right about the sword cutting both ways. My first arm was the Graham 2.0 and it had a slew of really awesome features, most all of which I later came to realize detract from performance at least as much as they deliver. But that was Graham. There is always room to do things better, and the devil is in the details. 

Feel free to call or email any time. Love to know how this works out for you.

That’s funny….my “temporary” tonearm on my Teres was an OL Silver (finally upgraded to an OL Enterprise after 15 years).