Something Millercarbon has preached Be A Better Listener. Do not get mired in data.

At times I agree with @millercarbon. Not often but at times.

One thing he has always preached is "Do you know how to listen"?

Well this article sheds a little light on that very subject.

Yes Chuck that was a compliment.

Just provoking some thought and I may look a tweaks a little different (just not colored rocks).


His do we even know which posters are Chuck and which are not? It’s all getting very messy these days. I better listen better. Yuck!

Jeez not sure. And not everyone.

As I said I follow no man.

you must have selective hearing as there's a long list of members here that have said the very same things for the longest of times but have never had the need for a fanboy following to prop them up.

Maybe it's his style of self promotion that caught your eye.
Hooked another one.


MC has TWO types of people that follow his post. pretty obvious isn't it?

The ones that say they don't like him and continue to post about HIM. Then there are others that agree with some or all or whatever amount he post and post their own thoughts about the SUBJECT. I find it all, amusing to tell the truth, to a point.. 

I had a guy just tell me he knew, I had a view point, but so did someone else, even though they were wrong.. LOL What do I care, as long as they DON'T come over to my place doing stupid $hit? I DON'T give a hoot. I was pointing out a series of flaws in a product but the the OP owned the product. Didn't want to hear the truth, he/she wanted to hear praise about a flawed idea and product.. What fun is that..

It's like a Baptist and Pentecostal arguing about weather the pews in the church are for sleeping in or dancing on. They are there to listen, and share above all else..

Not debate pew politics, besides the early preachers SAT and the listeners STOOD. My how things have changed..

Fanboy, maybe, for some, but for most it is a healthy respect for common ideas.
It's mutual that's why it is healthy.. Can't keep lettin' the dog crap on the neighbors law and wonder why there are burn out marks in your garden, AY? I never met a person I didn't start out liking, it was up to THEM if it stayed that way, just as much as ME..

TGIF retirement is tough, I'm telling you.. I had to watch them mow MY lawn, can you imagine that.. Someone else mowing your lawn.. :-)
