Thank you millercarbon

Early this year when I built my first M101 Supernova power cable I was really excited. At the time I had Nordost Odin2 to compare. Odin2 is incredibly fast and detailed power cable. One can wonder what the new Odin Gold does. Anyway, when I listened to Supernova I was not losing any speed or detail and yet I was getting bigger soundstage and more relaxed presentation. I have never imagined that I would be able to build a power cable competing with the best of the big brand. So MONEOONE was born. And this is where millercarbon comes in. Chuck was very skeptical about DIY and I needed someone like that to use the cables first and verify the quality. Chuck was so excited about the cables that he had to tell the world immediately what he heard. Fast forward, the first official review of M101 Supernova was published today.


Chuck was spot on with his assessment of the cable performance and instrumental in helping me with starting the business. I will continue working with him in the future because his assessment is precise and his advice is honest and thorough to the best of his knowledge.

Thank you Chuck.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmoneoone

Funny the article mentions InAkustik, because that is exactly what I thought when I saw the photo of said new cable.


If you purchase an A’Gon ad is it OK to mention (wax it/the items) in the forums?



I flagged this thread earlier today due the OP's ads mentioned in an earlier post on this thread. 

ok, I’m going to have to be a warning/downer here. I took a look at this cable and the design definitely makes total sense, especially with the copper wires being 99% in free air. However, this cable is never going to pass UL certification. All it would take is rubbing against the techflex which will frey (which is extremely easy). and all of a sudden, you have exposed "live" wires which are definitely a fire hazard inside a house.  Any sharp object can just pierce through the holes in the techflex and make contact with live wires as well. I can definitely see that the performance of this cable would be exceptional because there is absolutely no restriction from any wire insulation, but anyone who uses this should do at their own risk.

Once again, I’m very sorry for stating a negative point of view here.