The Fed is not our country. The Fed is not our government. The Fed is a privately held central bank, and belongs to the BIS, the central bank of central banks, based in Basel. Not even based in the US. These are all easily verifiable facts. Maybe one of you geniuses can explain how criticizing a privately held foreign based institution is "tearing down our country"?
The Fed through monetary inflation steals from everyone. If you knew that a privately held institution was stealing from every single American what would be the patriotic thing to do? Expose it? Or cover for it?
At the very least, if you even want to pretend to care about your country the very least you should be willing to do is check a few things out. Not a one of you has pointed out one false fact in any of what we have said. So what, are you in on it? So why carry on like a bunch of Fed shills then?