Weiss 501 DAC

Anyone running the Weiss 501 as preamp/DAC straight into a power amp or active speakers? How does it sound? Thanks


I’m sorry this thread did not go in the direction you would have preferred. The reason may be that there are very few Weiss 501’s out there.

I did a search on the Asylum, which is very easy to do there and where more folks, it seems, list their components. Among the 10s of thousands (0r more?) there, no one lists the Weiss 501. There were about 15 Weiss DACs listed and all were well over 10 years old and discontinued models.

Here there are now 2 responses and one is from a dealer. Nothing prevents further responses. Anyone doing serious research in the future will find it easy to bypass us idiots and find what they’re looking for.

Yes, a "typical" Audiogon thread, and still you keep coming back and contributing, again.


Your response has nothing to do with answering the OP’s question. Just a transparent attempt at stroking your fragile ego. Sheesh...

I've been to Switzerland many times and it's boring. Everything runs on time and works properly, but it's boring.

I used to be a very avid fly fisherman and an older gentleman once asked me "What's fisherman's Hell?" He said "When you catch a fish on every cast."

There you go that's Weiss.

Well dam, tenacious rascal.

It’s like asking somebody what time it is, and they give you a mini course on meteorology. Then after the dissertation, they say they don’t have a watch.

Speaking of fish, anybody like ice cream?

uncledemp Proof that all we're really left with at the end of the day is levity. I like it. My favorite movie line "I'm drowning, and you're describing the water".