Weiss 501 DAC

Anyone running the Weiss 501 as preamp/DAC straight into a power amp or active speakers? How does it sound? Thanks

I've been to Switzerland many times and it's boring. Everything runs on time and works properly, but it's boring.

I used to be a very avid fly fisherman and an older gentleman once asked me "What's fisherman's Hell?" He said "When you catch a fish on every cast."

There you go that's Weiss.

Well dam, tenacious rascal.

It’s like asking somebody what time it is, and they give you a mini course on meteorology. Then after the dissertation, they say they don’t have a watch.

Speaking of fish, anybody like ice cream?

uncledemp Proof that all we're really left with at the end of the day is levity. I like it. My favorite movie line "I'm drowning, and you're describing the water".