Aurender A10 help

Got the A10 yesterday all hooked up and connected to the conductor app. Streaming Quobuz but getting no sound. Coltrane is playing and I see the meter jumping around but alas no sound. Any suggestions?


What equipment is the A10 connected to? And I assumed you checked to make sure no mutes were engaged or system volume turned down?

Going into my Luxman 509X, the Bluesound Node2 is working fine as is my turntable. I'll speak to the people who sold it to me on monday I guess. Very puzzling.

So if your Bluesound works, I would disconnect the Bluesound and connect the Aurender to those inputs.


Your Luxman has 4 unbalanced inputs and two balanced inputs. The most likely thing is somehow connected incorrectly. What is connected to what input?