The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


The problem, however, is that in even the best computer simulations, the shock wave isn’t powerful enough on its own to break through the dense layers of superheated gas that envelops the core.

In the models, the shock wave stalls as if muffled by a blanket and the supernova explosion never occurs.

In the late 1980s, scientists began experimenting with the idea that ghostly subatomic particles known as neutrinos might provide the extra power boost needed to complete the blast.

Neutrinos have no charge and are nearly massless. They are produced in vast quantities during the final stages of a massive star’s life and stream out of the star’s inner core. It was thought that these escaping particles might carry enough energy out of the core to the star’s outer layers to complete the explosion.

But even when scientists incorporated the outflow of neutrinos into their computer simulations, it still wasn’t enough to produce consistent supernovas.


It’s the celestial equivalent of a horror movie villain—a star that wouldn’t stay dead.

An international team of astronomers including Carnegie’s Nick Konidaris and Benjamin Shappee discovered a star that exploded multiple times over a period of 50 years. The finding, published by Nature, completely confounds existing knowledge of a star’s end of life, and Konidaris’ instrument-construction played a crucial role in analyzing the phenomenon.

In September 2014, the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory team of astronomers detected a new explosion in the sky, iPTF14hls.

The light given off by the event was analyzed in order to understand the speed and chemical composition of the material ejected in the explosion.

This analysis indicated that the explosion was what’s called a type II-P supernova, and everything about the discovery seemed normal. Until, that is, a few months later when the supernova started getting brighter again.

Type II-P supernovae usually remain bright for about 100 days. But iPTF14hls remained bright for more than 600! What’s more, archival data revealed a 1954 explosion in the exact same location.

Star exploded, survived, and exploded again more than 50 years later

An image taken by the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey reveals a possible explosion in the year 1954 at the location of iPTF14hls (left), not seen in a later image taken in 1993 (right). Supernovae are known to explode only once, shine for a few months and then fade, but iPTF14hls experienced at least two explosions, 60 years apart. Credit: Adapted from Arcavi et al. 2017, Nature. POSS/DSS/LCO/S. Wilkinson.

It turned out that somehow this star exploded more than half a century ago, survived, and exploded again in 2014.

"This supernova breaks everything we thought we knew about how they work," said lead author Iair Arcavi of University of California Santa Barbara and Las Cumbres Observatory.

Before I give you a simpler explanation for Supernovas, just know that there are observations coming back from space that defy standard models, and show stars, and supernovas that simply should not exist.

Yes @cindyment I do pick and choose what I believe.....It's called Discernment. 


Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well. In the case of judgement, discernment can be psychological, moral or aesthetic in nature. Discernment has also been defined in the contexts; scientific, normative and formal.


You should try it. 

Tesla was not the first to recognize radio waves nor to do remote control with them.

Tesla did not invent radio.

Tesla is the father of using AC not electricity.

Tesla rejected and even made fun of Einsteins theories which included some early work on Quantum Mechanics not just relativity. My computer chips were designed using the principles of quantum mechanics.

For sure Tesla was not the only scientist to know and being interested by Maxwell and Hertz discoveries in audio waves? This is common place...

British scientists Wilson and Evans do remote control wireless experiments at the same time than Tesla ...It is true but Tesla was the first in US... Like for the x-ray photography simultaneously discovered by him in US and Roentgen in Germany... So what?

Radio was created at different few countries in the world by some, even Russia revendicate the invention of radio...
But in america Tesla invented radio not Marconi, this fact was even legally and officially recognized after his death...

Tesla is the creator of the first alternate current motor, not an advocate of AC....Edison was an advocate against him for DC for pure business reason..Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse built the first hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls and started the electrification of the world. This is a fact....

Edison was a tinkerer and a businessman not Tesla...

With all his creations behind him he developed another idea about electricity than Einstein, so what? Nobody knows what is electricity till this day....Maxwell use the phenomenological observations in electricity and magnetism of Faraday and others and mathematize all that... But describing precisely a phenomenan mathematically is not an ex-planation... Quantum mechanics is precisely described to the n’th decimals and nobody know what quantum Mechanic means either...

Tesla criticized Einstein but nobody know to this day which one is right about the ultimate meaning of electricity....
The big problems in cosmology are PRECISELY linked to our ignorance about these phenomena....And also limited by our ignorance of what is life...

Recently 2 Russsians physicist created their own enterprise, after analysing the Tesla patents and vouch to recreate Wardenclyffe tower vouching that this will work...I am not competent to judge , but if 2 russian physicists look at it seriously perhaps Tesla was not ONLY a "tinkerer"....Anyway anybody calling Tesla a "tinkerer" is badly informed sorry....Edison was....

By the way my point here is not about the validity of Tesla ideas at Wardenclyffe, but my point is if that 2 Russian physicists BELIEVE nowadays that is is an interesting experiment that means something about Tesla... Then succeess or not of their enterprise is not my point..... No "tinkerer" will interest true physicists one hundred years after his death.....You catch the point?

I dont know if the electrical model of the universe made sense it is over OUR heads here, but Tesla was NEVER a "tinkerer"...No tinkerer ever accumulated more patents in electricity than a Steinmetz for example....The three, Tesla, Einstein and the "sorcerer" Steinmetz are together in this rare photo...No tinkerer here...





Take a look at the way Russians takes Tesla seriously...

And Write to them that they must stop to spill money on a "tinkerer"...

They will be happy if you save them....