Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other

I've recently upgraded most of my system, but I still have a Rega P8, with Linn Krystal cartridge, which I like, but I've heard that there may be better options.

I have Sound Lab electrostatic speakers, Ypsilon Hyperior amplifiers, an Ypsilon PST-100 Mk2 pre-amplifier, and am thinking about an Ypsilon phono stage to match with my system, and a turntable/cartridge.  I listen to almost entirely classical, acoustic music. 

Based on my very limited knowledge, and simple research, I've been looking at three brands, each of which is a different type of turntable: SME (suspension), AMG (mass), and Technics (direct drive).  
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of turntables, and of those in particular?



I've got a Technics 1200G and it is an excellent turntable in my system...

I have the AMG Viella 12JT.  I use a soundsmith strain gauge cart.  The combination is extremely articulate, with tight, well defined bass and a treble that is not "bright".  Midrange is solid and the soundstage is very wide and deep when encoded such on the LP.  Definitely can distinguish the LP label/recording method and quality of the pressing.  The turbo version of the arm makes alignment extremely easy (my local dealer felt it was one of the easiest and most accurate he has encountered).  I use Nordost Valhalla cabling, Rogue RP9 preamp (but NOT the integral phono stage, since the strain gauge has its own "preamp") and Rogue Apollo Dark Mono amps.  The speakers are Sonus Faber Amati tradition.  I mention this because obviously, the quality of the sound derived from the AMG will depend on the "downstream" components-- but it will certainly feed them an outstanding signal.  I am not sure my system would/could benefit from a higher resolution turntable/cart and I suspect if I t tried, I would be in the 6 digit price range to surpass the AMG (which is NOT happening!).

You may want to consider the Pure Fidelity Harmony. I’ve had mine for a few months now outfitted with an Origin Live Conqueror MK 4 and am really happy with the build and SQ of this combo. You have a top flight system so may be considering a higher priced setup but you will not be disappointed in what the PF table will do when paired with a quality arm like the OL and a similarly capable cartridge. Good luck with your search! 

I would see if a few of the closer shops would consider taking care of the installation, which I think they should in your price range.

I have heard the AMG and Technics with the same cartridge (DS Audio optical cartridge) and I prefer the AMG. The background is blacker and it sounds more dynamic.

I have not heard the SME


At your price point you might want to look into Galibier Design turntables, with an Ikeda tonearm.