Something Millercarbon has preached Be A Better Listener. Do not get mired in data.

At times I agree with @millercarbon. Not often but at times.

One thing he has always preached is "Do you know how to listen"?

Well this article sheds a little light on that very subject.

Yes Chuck that was a compliment.

Just provoking some thought and I may look a tweaks a little different (just not colored rocks).


I just know a lot about audio, find it fascinating, and enjoy answering questions and helping people. In doing so I help myself in the process. Because, writing concise informative answers calls for having ones thoughts in order, and writing as with most things improves with practice. So I get better at both. Plus I had a lot of time to kill at work.

Now being retired I have actually cut back a bit.* But the quality is higher. This is a big plus. The people I want to help get helped even more, and the people I don't their heads explode even more. Audio you see is not a zero sum game. Do it right and we all win.

*As millercarbon. Posting as my other 13 aliases is turning into a full time job. By the way have you noticed Tsushima, nonoise and fuzzball never post at the same time as me? Think about it.

Living "rent free" never ends for you, does it MC?

The word "humble" eludes you. Just like the Fonz trying to say the word love. He just can't do it.

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My hearing is fine, but my wife might sometimes say that my listening isn't...

Could there be an equivalent with audio systems?