Cary Audio SA 200.2 SE power amp (latest version)

Hey there,

I need some advise and opinions on something. My current setup includes : Monitor Audio Gold 200 5g (latest generation), Classe Sigma Amp2 class D power amp, Classe Sigma preamp, Cary Audio CD 306 SACD player.
My speaker cables & XLR balanced analog interconnects are Cardas Clear Reflection. Power cables : Shunyata Delta NR, Transparent Reference PowerLink MM1, Audioquest Blizzard, Shunyata Venom V10 NR (20 Amp / C19) from wall to my Shunyata Venom PS8 AC power line distributor. AC power line distributor: Shunyata Venom PS8 with Venom Defender.

I’m about to pull a trigger on the new Cary Audio SA 200.2 SE power amp (latest version) to replace my existing Classe Sigma Amp2 class D amp. The Cary is a class AB amp. Which amp do you think will be a better choice for my system? Have anyone compared these two amps before and what are your thoughts? My Monitor Audio Gold 200 5g speakers (latest generation) are very laid back warm smooth refined sounding speakers. The highs and mids are very smooth. These new MA Gold 200 5g are complete opposite sound profile than the previous MA Gold 4g series, which are very forward and somewhat bright. And I’m using warm sounding speaker cables and analog XLR interconnects throughout.
Your advise, inputs and thoughts will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.



While the left channel is quiet but it has its own different issues. On occasion the sound in the left channel is cutting out and at times the output in the left channel is significantly lower than the right channel. It only happens every once in a while and randomly. 


This amp needs to be repaired and serviced. I have shipped it out to Cary Audio for repair / service. 

@dilatante do you have a reputable "local tech" who can go through the amp and identify the noise or possible transformer hum? Might be less shipping-damage risk and less cost vs shipping it back to Cary if you plan to fix it. I remember my SA200.2 was a beast at 87lbs. Hope you can get it resolved. Its a neat amp. Best of luck.  


It isn’t a transformer hum. There’s a slight faint buzzing coming from right speaker and only audible when I put my ears really close to the speaker but would progressively become louder after several hours of use and became really loud and audible from listening position like 8 to 10 feet away from the right speaker. And when I hooked my Classe Sigma class D power amp back and the buzzing went away completely. So gotta be the Cary SA 200.2 ES power amp, not my preamp, not my speaker and not my CD/SACD player.

While the left speaker is dead quiet but it has a completely different issues of its own. Occasionally the sound in the left speaker was cutting out or sometimes in and out and all of the sudden the sound would disappear completely from the left speaker. It happened randomly and intermittently and only happened every once in a while. Doesn’t always happen. Very bizarre.

I recently purchased this amp used here on Audiogon. When I gave the serial # to Cary Audio they told me this amp was manufactured in late 2018 so only couple years old. This is the newest latest SA 200.2 ES version, not the original SA 200.2 version. And this amp weighs in at 65 lbs, not 87 lbs.

@dilatante do you have a different pair of working speakers and different speaker cables you can test with this amp?   


Just want to recap and follow up with you regarding my Cary SA 200.2 ES power amp. I sent it in for repair to Cary Audio in early Dec and just got it back over a week ago. They replaced the transformer and the input board and it kinda solved the humming/buzzing issue in the right channel but not completely and Cary also claimed that the buzz is still present but very faint and we literally have to put our ear right up to the speaker to hear it and didn’t get louder when the amp was left turned on for a day or so with no music playing. that’s what they said.

And when I received the amp back over a week ago the buzz/hum is faint and I literally have to put my ear really close to the speaker in order to notice it. I left the amp on with music playing for some 9 to 10 hours continuously and after 9 hours or so I think the buzz/hum in the right channel (right speaker) became somewhat louder and was slightly audible from my listening position which is about 8 feet away from the speaker but my listening room was very very small and very quiet at the time (it was around 1 am at night), but it isn’t as loud as what it used to be before I sent it in for repair, nothing like what it used to be at all. It’s much better now but doesn’t completely go away.

And at least now seems like the occasional dropouts in the left channel has been resolved and I haven’t experienced a single dropout in the left channel anymore since after the repair. 

Yowser, try leaving your Cary SA 200.2 ES amp on with music playing for 9 hours straight and see if the humming or buzzing would get noticeably louder. 
Thank you.