Hey guys lets not get our panties all bunched up! I will listen to the X-01 in stock form. I'm in the middle of substantial changes to my system. Lots of gear going out... lots or gear coming in...When I get done, will I have the $10,000 for the Apl 2.5... I hope so. I "blindly" believe it is a great player, we will see.. I just put a Marantz Sa-8001 and my 2 Rel Storm 3 subs up for sale, joined shortly by my Pass Labs X-350 and my beloved Audio Physic Virgo 2s. If My XA-160s don't sell with this run on the 'gon... I'm keeping them! S...t, I didn't want to sell them anyway. My problem is, as Tvad and Boa2 know is, I have it Bad...