APL Esoteric X-01

Anyone had their Esoteric X-01 redesigned by Alex at APL. Design 1 or design 2.5?
If so what are your impressions?
Thanks, Greg
No doubt that the X-01 and X-01 Limited are two of the best sorts of "apples" money can buy, however, the NWO-2.5 is an "orange". Simply, the two can not be compared and just like Tvad said; they sound totally different.

So there is no point for further argument here.

Greg, please listen to the Limited. Even better, since we are almost neighbors, lets try to find a local SF Bay Area X-01 Limited owner who is willing to bring it over for A-B test. This way you can hear what the differences are and make up your mind easily.

Hey Greg, if you sell your amps what are you goong to use to power the Eggleston Works Andra IIs??? Also, if you sell your speakers what are you going to use to listen to your awesome new X-01??

I have it bad too...I have swapped speakers 3 times in one year (not to mention changing amps, preamp, and cdp twice). Hopefully I am done for a while (not likely)....
Tbooe, I just canceled my XA-160 Audiogon add. Put up my Pass X-350, my Rel Storm 3 subs,my Marantz SA-8001 CD/SACD player and my audio Physic Virgo 2s speakers. The two Pass Labs amps do not match up for bi-amping. The X-350 has a 30 db gain, the XA-160 a 20 db gain. I have been told by "reliable" sources, the XA will handle the Andra IIs... no problamo. I'm still open to a speaker change ...I've always liked the Audio Physic Avanti 3s. I can get them new for $4000.00 less than the Eggleston Andra 2s. I still need cash... anyone what to donate to Greg's addiction?
My problem is, as Tvad and Boa2 know is, I have it Bad...
And my problem is I can't afford your problem. :-)
Tbooe, Just saw your 802ds up for sale. We are brothers in dementia!!!! What did you not like about those wonderfull B&Ws.