APL Esoteric X-01

Anyone had their Esoteric X-01 redesigned by Alex at APL. Design 1 or design 2.5?
If so what are your impressions?
Thanks, Greg
Hi All,
Slightly off point but I am trying to source a secod hand UX-1 or XO-1, 230v version for APL to mod and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions it would be much appreciated.
Kind regards
Actually, Chungted, I was afraid of the conclusion you came to with your APL NWO-2.5, because I suspected that was the case. My analog is just not competitive with my digital. I hope to rectify this in the future, so I can listen to the 2,500 lp's I have. Listening at Alex's might help get me started. My last comparison between analog and digital at Oritek Audio, still had analog ahead in terms of relaxation, but behind cd in detail.
Does your APL accept digtal inputs? I'm now in the market for a really dood dac, but I still need a standalone player.

David Shapiro
David, I should be getting my NWO 2.5 later this week, I know you live by me, if you wanna check it out, let me know. Alex is working on accwepting digital inputs as I type. Should be ready in the next month, or so, after it is complete, I will be sending mine for the upgrade.
Deshapiro, there are number of NWO-2.5 players with the digital input (coax S/PDIF up to 192/24) so this option is available now.

The two other options which will be available in a month or so are Wi-Fi (wireless audio stream from PC) based on re-designed Squeezebox and Analog input.
