Proac Response 2

Good evening and long live music..

These speakers are amazing for their midrange and soundstage capabilities..

For current or previous owners of these speakers, can you recommend speakers that have the PROAC sound with more bass.

Thanks ...
Just add a REL. Run your Response 2s full range and blend the REL. No problem getting a seemless sound. If it works with Quads it will work with your ProAcs.
I would audition Quad;s speakers and there is another Britishe that is now making a full floor stand B3/5A( I think that is correct but I am getting weary. ) Stirling Perhaps it sounds like the right speaker for you.
I have owned the 2s for 20 years. Two years ago I switched to Zu Druid and relegated the 2s to the closet. Took some getting use to the different presentation but the advantages of the Zus are tremendous dynamics, huge sound stage, and top-to-bottom coherence. You could consider the Soul Superfly, maybe.
I've owned two pair of Proacs and had a two-week in-home audition of the Response 2 some years ago. I loved all of them. I certainly haven't listened to everything out there but the only other brand I've come across I've liked better than Proac is DeVore Fidelity.