Passive vs Active...Again!

My wife and I have made the rounds and have listened to numerous speakers now, not as many as we'd like, but as many as we could within a 3-hour drive. We liked some both active and passive, but it seems most of the active speakers we saw are not that pleasing to the eye (eg: Genelecs).

Not having a dedicated listening room, our room itself is a big problem. We have lots of hard surfaces to deal with.

If we go with passive speakers and the associated gear to go with it, we will need to spend a whole bunch of money on acoustic treatments.

We have a ton of artwork as well and with already limited wall space, we would rather look at the art than a bunch of sound-absorbing panels.

So here's my question: Will active speakers, that may come in cheaper, with room correction software (DSP) be able to tame the sound to a pleasing level in my lively room, or do I go with passives and break out the Rockwool!

Just a side note, I had some Martin Logan Spires in a very similar style room, that was much larger with little acoustic treatments and they sounded pretty good. But in this house I don't have the room to pull the speakers 3 feet of the back wall.

I know there is no perfect answer here, but appreciate any feedback, thanks.



djones51 - sweet!

sc2 - I thought it was the exact opposite with open baffle speakers. Aren't they supposed to be as far away from the back wall as possible?

As @djones51 said, Dutch & Dutch or Kii.  I've had them both in my house. The D&D are much better looking in my opinion and could live with either. For under $15k you have a whole system. Ethernet into the speaker and, with the new firmware, Roon directly. There's no bluetooth/Airplay, which sucks. Those are great for when someone says can I play a song or you just want to play something else that isn't available on Roon. 

On the other hand, the Anthem software that @erik_squires mentioned is fantastic. The integrated with a pair of Harbeth 30's would work well. Devore is coming out with a micr/O which is a square that fits in a cubby or on a bookshelf.  I think it's around $4k. See it over his shoulder here: 



yes, your right, but their website did say "2-4 ft" on one type of their speakers...

My choice for passives is KEF R11s, minimum 9" off the back wall and 24" from the sides.