What are your favorite recordings that sound best to you?

What would be the best sounding records you have ever listened to that sound best to you regardless of its genre, pressing, mastering, label, value or a technology used to record it?


I don't know if it's one of the best recordings - but I recently went back and listened to the John Williams recording on the original Jaws theme from 1975. I was shocked at how good the dynamics, soundstage, and impact were captured. 

I am not a Grateful Dead Fan. However performance wise, and  recording quality

one of my favorites of all time. American Beauty.

Just got 'Amused to Death' in. They weren't lyin'. One of the many recordings that I will keep forever.

Dear @esputnix  : "" recordings that sound best to you?  """


I think that this kind of thread is the fifth time that other gentelamns already posted.


Anyway, I own 6K+ LPs so exist severaL "CANDIDATES " TO FAVORITIES OR " BEST SOUND " but if I must to choose one or two definetely these ones are the best recordings ever and not necessarily my favorities but by its really high quality level performance:


Flamenso Fever by M&K label   and

Drums Sheffield Record by Sheffield Labs label.


By coincidence both recordings are D2D.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
