Down To The Crunch

OK, which one would you buy:

8c - Dutch & Dutch ( at $12,500 + $800 for the stands.


Kii Audio ::: at $16,995 + $1,795 for stands + $1995 for the controller.

Both are highly rated and comparable products, but at a $7,000 difference!

I appreciate your views and comments and I will count up the votes!

If we could please just keep it to the direct question. I’m not interested in other products on this thread (e.g., neither I’d buy this or that).

Thank you





By design I would go for the Kii Audio speakers. They are bound to have better midrange and bass.

@navyyachts, I think that Kii 3s are at another level of performance. 

  I Selectable correction for free-standing, near wall or in corner (14 positions) 

 II Phase response: selectable, linear phase or minimum latency 

III Active Wave Focusing crossover filter 

IV Amplification: 1500 W full-custom Class D 

Putszys Comment on the Limiter / Low Frequency Output: 

“ The intent of the limiter is not to protect the driver (those are rather robust) but to avoid the fairly ugly distortion you get when the drivers self-limit. In other words, it’s more a matter of keeping the sound quality acceptable irrespective of the volume setting. But that necessarily requires the limiter to start operating well before the drivers self-limit “. 

Erin’saudiocorner’s, Comment on Listening / KiiThree:  

“ It’s worth mentioning that I typically only hear this symmetry in a soundstage with concentric drivers (think Kef, Genelec). We know those employ point-source drivers with time-aligned drivers. Stands to reason the practically-perfect step response (time alignment) of this speaker is responsible for the awesome symmetry “. 

For me the applied acoustic and electro-acoustic innovation speaks volumes. 

Six Drivers – four bass drivers ( six inch / smaller than D&D 8c ) all with 250 Watt Amps - by comparison ‘ somewhat overbuilt ‘. 

Then add BXT Modules bringing the total of woofer drivers to Twelve

(should be plenty ). 

While both products ( Kii 3 / 8c ) do the Cardioid thing the Kiis seem to have the extra effort overall. 

Erin’saudiocorner’s comment ‘ mild directivity mismatch at the crossover ‘ is all that I noticed in the Review comments for 8c. 

On the issue of price the difference may be a bit less than expected. 

Kii3s listed on Amazon at $15k for the set and leaving out the stands and controller the price difference is $2k with rounding up on the 8c. 

While the Kii Controller is nice to have and almost an integral part it could be added later. 

If you decide on the Kii3s I would suggest looking into a custom built stand for each Module because of the Tweeter / Acoustic height when the BTX Module is used. 

If we could please just keep it to the direct question. I’m not interested in other products on this thread (e.g., neither I’d buy this or that).


It appears that we have several in here that aren’t adept at reading comprehension.

If it were me, I would go with the D&D, but it is probably hard to go wrong with either.  

I went down the path of digital actives a long time ago, and don't see myself going back to a traditional system anytime soon.


rego - over-the-top research and comments, thanks so much! With regards to Erin's Corners comment, he does say in the first few moments of the D&D video just "Buy It" no need to watch the video. As where in the Kii 3 video he does not say this.

Great comments by others too, thank you.