What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please.

Wondering what improvements I can made to my streaming end and what you all are using.

Not looking to rip CDs and I mostly listen to vinyl.

System right now is:

Node 2 (latest version used streaming only with Roon)

Bel Canto e.One ref DAC 2.7

Bel Canto e.One ref CD3t Transport.

Bel Canto e.One ref 501S (best Class D to date to ever grace my system)

Mini GaN 5 ( had to try it and swap it in and out)

AM Qualiton X200 Tube Integrated (love it and gets most use)

QLN Prestige 5 Speakers.

All cables and wires are Signal Cable.

Appreciate the constructive feedback.

Have a great day.




Hello everyone,  I have a BluOS Node 2i , with a Wireworld C-7 power cord…used strictly as a streamer into a Esoteric K03 via the coax rca input….. I took a chance and purchased a Snake River Boomslang digital cable….when it was on sale…. And  I could not believe what a difference a cable made !! Absolutely stunned !! 

No plans to change at this moment…..! Eventually things will plateau….and trickle down technology  Hopefully will be more affordable !? 

All the best to everyone !

Lumin D1 with SBooster digital output to Denefrips Ares II. Ethernet is hardwired via Bonn N8 switch.

Hi, all.   I'm a fan of Apple Music.  I like the lossless and high res, the vast collection of music, and the price.  I also use Audirvana from the Mac for my own digital collection.  Haven't tried Tidal or Qobuz or Roon.

So I use a Macbook Pro (or iPad Mini) outputting via USB to a Topping D10S to convert to SPDIF coaxial to an older Peachtree DacIt that (I think) still sounds great.

For me, the next step is upgrading the DAC.  I think the digits going into the DAC are just fine coming out of the Mac or Ipad.  Maybe down the road when my system is more revealing, I'll have to improve it, but I find the DAC to be the most important part in the digital bits chain.  IMHO.

Unless you are having software problems, all streamers will sound alike.
Zeros and ones. .

In a perfect world yes but in reality that’s not true. The voltages that are represented by ones and zeros have residual values that distorts the signal.

Personally I use a fanless I5 PC and the USB out. My DAC manufacture provides a specific USB driver and I use Fidelizer to further reduce OS and component signal interference.

Windows Remote PC allows you to control your software . App from almost any device. Sounds better than the Raspberry PI with the ALLO digiOne.

I’m still not a robot but may be more android than ever.