Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200

Tube or SS, doesn't matter. Just want to know the best you've heard/owned.


My MAGI phonomenal ($1000, 2 MM inputs) sounds better than my Allnic H1202 MM. 

This is a really cool thread because it delivers so many options. Obviously a lot of happy campers out there and companies making equipment people respond to. Me, my EAR Phono Classic arrived today to finally move out a very old friend, the first edition of the Acoustic Signature Tango. All the years I got out of that thing (a Needle Doctor purchase, no less) for $600, it was an absolute steaI. I have never, ever seen one for sale on the used market, and mine is destined some day for a second system.

“So after a couple weeks with the 20/20 I can say its taken my vinyl enjoyment up a notch.”

Good deal!


I just ordered the 9.0X . I also have a pair of Siemens E188CC/7308 gold pins coming. Curious, Did you upgrade the PC or Fuse. I don't see anything listed about fuse value or if it's even worth doing.
