Roon Streaming Service actually Degrades the sound

The purpose of this post is to put pressure on the Roon engineers

to make Roon a better product. How do I know Roon is less than ideal?

From a streamer maker who has the highest standards and 

consequently refuses to go the Roon route. As he put it "I experiment with

my prototype and eliminate everything which holds the best sound back".

Sad to say he rejected Roon for exactly this reason.

I use Roon and do not want to learn a different, worse program.

Hence I want Roon to get better. Anyone listening Roon Folk?




I’ve done A/B comparisons between Roon and using the Lumin app that works with my Lumin Streamer / DAC.  I’ve used 2 different cores, both laptops that when being used as the core we’re running no other programs, they were hardwired to the modem.  I’ve had both cable internet and now fiber optics, highest speed / bandwidth tiers available.  

As another member mentioned in this thread, I wouldn’t say the sound is degraded when using Roon but it doesn’t sound as open, full bodied.  The highs are a little harsher and the mid / lows a little less defined.  Not a huge difference but enough of a difference that I use the Lumin app which I’m not a big fan off.  Roons interface, ability to play albums in order, create personal playlist / stations based on your musical tastes is way better.  Along with the DSP functionality which is awesome.  

Unsure why there is sound quality difference, guessing both the Lumin app and Roon are providing the same bit quality.  I’ve been on the Roon forum and a Lumin representative is active and adamant both provide the same level of bit quality.  

Maybe if I went all in and had a dedicated standalone core but I can’t logical understand how that would provide any better performance than a adequate laptop running nothing else but Roon, no way Roons requirements should overload the laptops capabilities with no other programs running that I can see.  If sound quality is better with just the Lumin App and nothing else in between the streamer / DAC seems like putting a core in the middle of that and having it potentially lowe the quality / performance is silly.  

I’m not knocking Roon at all, I think it’s a great product.  Those however that are stating anyone who hears a difference in SQ when comparing Roon to other available streaming options are wrong, my ears say different.  Could it be my set up absolutely it could but on paper my set up is more than enough to provide optimal performance for Roon to sound its best.




@markmuse Do you have an Android device? Or could borrow one? If so, try installing BubbleUPNP on it, it’s very cheap, then try streaming from Qobuz within the app to the Bricasti. I think you’ll find it’s pretty good.

Too many unknowns.  

If the mysterious streamer maker was using Roon from a computer verses a Roon nucleus, then ok sure the mystery streamer could sound better.






@richtruss No android device here. mconnectHD sounds good, better than roon. With mconnectHD streaming Qobuz to the Bricasti there is a wealth of detail and nuance, much better dimensionality and connection to the music. Heck, even Omnia Receiver through a NuPrime Stream9 > Bricasti leaves roon in the dust. I do prefer roon's interface and abundance of information. But sound quality first. 

I’m using a Lumin product, streaming from a Synology NAS. 
I found that I needed much updating to my music library, but am willing to “do the work”. 
There is a native UPNP server app that runs on the Synology. 
I looked at the rune set up and found it unnecessarily complicated, and I’m an IT person. Nothing in the sound path.