Noisy ethernet cables

When I use any ethernet cable other than the stock cable that came with my Bluesound Node2 I get much noise. I have tried three, the latest being a Nordost Heimdall2. The other 2 I heard about here, Monoprice and Supra both cat8. ???


Except the Ethernet connector, metal shell, where the connector plugs into, is usually connected to the metal enclosure to improve the EMI.


That is entirely up to the equipment manufacturer.  I have a hard time believing a high end streamer maker would both ground for the sake of better EMI rejection AND leave themselves open to ground loops.  I certainly wouldn't design a mixed digital/analog device like that.

@erik_squires , I would have more faith in a lower cost, higher volume product from a lesser vendor, that has the proper equipment for testing, and probably more experience, that a boutique vendor who in many cases is winging it.

I am not saying that is exclusively the case, but measurements by Stereophile/ASR have shown enough "high end" equipment to have questionable performance, even on the basics, that I have some confidence that is correct. I would expect the larger high end vendors to be designing "properly", at least I would hope that is the case. Fortunately, this is an easy one to test. Measure the resistance/capacitance from the Ethernet jack -shell to the case.

Also, to be clear, I'm less worried about noise getting INTO an Ethernet cable as much as it radiating to audio signal cables.

@erik_squires ,


With the twisted pair, you wound need to be running them pretty close. Packet bursts could demodulate to audible frequencies so there is a mechanism for the noise transfer even if the transmission frequency is high. I suspect this would be not much of an issue at 100M or 1Gig, more at 10M though since those high frequencies would be too high to even be demodulated as bursts at the power level.

cindyment - simply not true, demodulation can occur. Erik knows radiated energy is the biggest concern in audio. Best wishes.