Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 I2S pin definition

After reading up on the 3 recent threads discussing how fantastic the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 is, I am going to purchase one. I am curious if anyone knows its I2S pin definition?

Thanks for any information!



Word is the i2s only works with the Pro-Ject corresponding DAC, but I’d be curious if the pin config does indeed work with another DAC (any DAC). But the AES/EBU output sound great. 

@jriggy -You are correct. Asking around I was told by multiple sources, including Pro-ject that their I2S is proprietary. Great to know the AES/EBU is good. I'm ordering the RS2T next week and will get that cable with it.

Question-what are you using?

@fuzztone -that's what I was hoping to do. 

I can vouch for the the quality of execution of the Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2T Spdif connection. Genuinely excellent sound quality with my High Fidelity CT-1 Ultimate digital cable. 


@charles1dad -

Thanks for the info. I have been following your RS2T observations on the other RS2T threads.. I was considering a pre-owned PS Audio DirectStream Memory Player, and read your comparisons between PS Audio and RS2T with great interest. Cheers!
