In that range you could check out Hattor, “The BIG” which sounds really good and can do just about anything a preamp should do functionally.
- choice of passive or active operation, switchable by remote on the fly
- active stage offers choice of +3, 6, or 9 dB gain, also switchable by remote
- active stage via choice of op amps, including the well regarded NewClassD dual ultimate edition
- 64-step discrete resistor dual mono volume controls
- full-service remote
- choice of resistors between Vishay SMD, Takman REX carbon or REY metal film, or Amtrans AMRG carbon film
- choice of case color
- Big, easy to read, dimmable display
- Balanced and single-ended ins and outs
- outboard linear power supply
- Home Theatre input available
List price is exactly $2,500 with the top options - XLR, AMRG resistors, and the NewClassD active stage. See it here.