Line Stage Preamps that blew you away $2500 Edition

Passive, tubes, solid state, jewel encrusted moon rocks, whatever. 

tell us what line stages blew you Away in the $2500 ish price catagory.


In that range you could check out Hattor, “The BIG” which sounds really good and can do just about anything a preamp should do functionally.

  • choice of passive or active operation, switchable by remote on the fly
  • active stage offers choice of +3, 6, or 9 dB gain, also switchable by remote
  • active stage via choice of op amps, including the well regarded NewClassD dual ultimate edition
  • 64-step discrete resistor dual mono volume controls
  • full-service remote
  • choice of resistors between Vishay SMD, Takman REX carbon or REY metal film, or Amtrans AMRG carbon film
  • choice of case color
  • Big, easy to read, dimmable display
  • Balanced and single-ended ins and outs
  • outboard linear power supply
  • Home Theatre input available

List price is exactly $2,500 with the top options - XLR, AMRG resistors, and the NewClassD active stage. See it here.

There were some really nice preamps at $2999 recently, a used Zesto Leto 1.5...., a used Audio Valve Eclipse, Backert Rythm 1.1.   For a little more than$ 2500 used you can step into some serious tube preamps if you are patient.  

Patience will definitely pay off. When I was searching for my endgame preamp,it seemed the $2500-$3500 price point was loaded with great gear. 

Sonic Frontiers Line 3. I’m typically firmly in the solid state camp, but this tube line stage impressed the heck out of me.