Ceiling fan in listening room?

Hi all,

Not sure if Tech Talk is the best forum to post this question, but would appreciate any comments / recommendations from our group. My listening room is in our below ground level  basement. Routing air conditioning to the space is not practical, and I am looking for alternatives to provide ventilation. Does anyone have any recommendations on or experience with use of a ceiling fan in a listening room?  Naturally I am concerned with the interaction of the fan's air circulation and the speaker output. Thanks in advance for any  input!
I have a tube system and it's next to window so I took a furnace duct, vent fan to pull the heat out of the room when it's really hot outside over the summer.  I had to add a speed controller to get it quiet enough, not ideal but I only do it over the summer.  I'm usually pushing 90 db at my listening location so it takes allot of ambient noise to over come it.

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I have a high end, very quiet fan in my room, the ceiling is 14 ft high. I am wondering if the fan will actually help attenuate the sound sent as it is deflecting the waves away from the ceiling. I run it a the lowest speed. The music sounds fine when i have it on. Anybody have thoughts on this?

A ceiling fan will modulate the air and effect the sound quality. How much? That's for you to figure out. It may not be an issue for many.

Several years ago, a piano tuner (I only use tuners that tune by ear, not with a machine) was over to tune my Steinway. After a few hours he was pulling out his hair; could not get the job done. I noticed the ceiling fan was on. Just for the heck of it, I turned off the ceiling fan. He finished the job in about 15 minutes. So there you have it.

My listening room is upstairs in a house in middle Georgia. My gear is running about 1 kW at idle.  I found a DC motor ceiling fan that spins at 52 rpm on low.  It is a must in the summertime here.  This is the third ceiling fan I have had in this room and by far the quietest and least obtrusive.