New streamer or dac?

So when I put my system together the idea was strictly vinyl,I eventually added a budget streamer thinking I’d use it for background music or puttering around the house when its not practical to listen to records. I became immediately consumed with it after subscribing to Tidal ,the idea of being able to listen to anything that pops into head is just fantastic,Im enjoying music like never before.Im ready to swap out the $600 unit for something a little more inline with the rest of the equipment in the system but am not sure if another option might be better. So my question is would it maybe be a better idea to buy a Dac and use the inexpensive steamer with it as a transport until I could afford to change it out also ? or would it make more sense to just buy a new streamer/ Dac unit ( I like the Aruender ) any thoughts on that would be appreciated,thanks in advance. 



@bikeboy52  looks like your cooking up the goods analog source. Sweet man! I'm a pure digital source guy who digs deep into analog Class A amplification and exact phase and time coherent speakers. The goods are DAC streamer to you preamp, unless your streamer can send I2S protocol to your DAC. Any other interface to the DAC will struggle to provide bit perfect input.


Thanks Pwayland ,so I’ll pick up a decent affordable Dac first then phase two the streamer.This would seem to be in your wheelhouse,whatta see as my unit staying in line with my existing system? 

Does seem like theres a distinct advantage to buying a single box unit though if it eliminates the interface problem. Is that not so?

@pwayland Any other interface to the DAC will struggle to provide bit perfect input.

I think I know what you mean but the normal way to use "bit perfect" just means that all bits are transferred and all digital interfaces manages that. I2S might be better with timing issues.

I think the worst thing with a single box is that streaming services are still changed and updated and some hifi companies may not be the best at updating software going forward. What if Qubuz and Tidal goes out of business and a new service takes their place?

This is my main reason to prefer a 2-box solution, especially using a computer or RaspberryPi. It might also work with Roon support but that costs extra forever.