DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend

Okay...in another thread I promised to do a side-by-side evaluation of the Audiobyte HydraVox/Zap vs the Rockna Wavelight. Due to the astonishing incompetence of DHL this has been delayed. At the moment, I have a plethora of DACs here and am going to do a broader comparison.

I am going to do a compare of the Rockna Wavelight, Rockna Wavedream Signature, Audiobyte HydraVox/Zap, Chord Hugo 2, Chord Hugo TT2, Bricasti M3, Bricasti M1 Special Edition, Weiss 501 and the internal DAC card for an AVM A 5.2 Integrated amp as a baseline.

For sake of consistency, I am going to use that same AVM integrated amp driving Vivid Kaya 45s. I may branch out and do some listening on other speakers (Verdant Nightshade of Blackthorn and/or Wilson Benesch Vertexes) but want to use the Vivids for every compare as they are the fullest range speakers I have here. For sake of consistency I will use a Chord 2Go/2Yu connected via an Audioquest Diamond USB as a renderer. The only exception is the Hugo 2 which has a 2Go directly attached to it. I will use a Roon Nucleus+ as a server in all cases.

My plan is to use the same five songs on every DAC; In a Sentimental Mood from Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, Be Still My Beating Heart from Sting, Liberty from Anette Askvik, Duende from Bozzio Levin Stevens and Part 1 of Mozart String Quartet No 14 in G Major from the Alban Berg Quartet. The intent is to touch on different music types without going crazy.

I will take extensive notes on each listening session and write up a POV on the strengths of each unit. I am going to start this this Friday/Saturday and will be writing things up over the next month or so. If you have thoughts, comments or requests, I will be happy to try and accommodate. The one thing I am not going to do is make the list of songs longer as that has an exponential impact on this and make everything much harder. If and when other DACs come in on trade I may add to the list through time.
@fsonicsmith    I don’t disagree that choice of server, cable and even the connection between server and DAC (USB, AES, etc…) matters and can have an impact.  
In the end, I am limited in that I don’t have an infinite number of servers lying around or cables. It is not perfect but do think it has value.  

In regard microdynamics. I do understand it as integral with resolution. But I  also believe I hear it as separate sound quality not allied to resolving powers. Its what I'd call the breath of life. I exclusively use tube amps and preamp, and Iike the Brits, I like to think of tubes as valves. Valves also connote what our lungs do, thus, I like to think of microdynamics as the breath of life. And its part of the reason I prefer tube amps and pre's.

Now, I've long considered my system to have this breath of life, but my latest dac improved upon prior dac's performance in this aspect.  I can now more clearly hear formerly masked inflections and vibrato in the voice and wind instruments, more nuance in the fingering and bowing of string instruments, and strength with which struck instruments are hit.  What I'm describing is the dynamic changes down to the millisecond, these minute dynamic changes could also be descibed as elasticity. It is at once both natural, soothing, yet salient in that it demands your attention. I find it nearly impossible to listen casually anymore,and far less work to have the illusion of performers in room.

Certainly this is understood as greater resolution, but the improvement  I'm hearing is more likely allied to the power supply of the dac. I posit conversion schemes and output sections carry more weight in resolving powers, while PS certainly have a role in this,  PS carries more weight in micro and macro dynamics.

Reviewers commonly speak about power supplies when reviewing amps, and sometimes preamps, but I rarely hear reviewers compare power supplies in dacs. My take is dac power supplies are critical to optimum performance of dacs. Take two dacs with identical or virtually identical conversion schemes and output sections, the dac with better power supply will outperform the other in microdynamics, and perhaps other measures of sound quality.

I do observe  manufacturers paying more attention to design, and increasing capacitance of dac power supplies, its obvious they hear the benefits here.


Apologies for joining this thread so late.  I have read it with great interest and have found i very very helpful as I have been thinking of upgrading my dac (Moon 280d connected to Mac Mini through usb- Mac mini is hard wired to ethernet cable- no wireless streaming).  What brought me to this is that for a while I have been focused on my analog rig but now I am replacing my cartridge so I went back to listening digital- and I plan to continue listening to digital regularly because of the wealth of music available on Tidal and Qobuz (I mostly stream)
However the difference is sound quality is noticeable so I am looking to address that.  For a DAC I am trying to stick to a budget of $6k so I have to look for something used if I am going to try to jump on some of the better DAC mentioned in the discussion - have been considering Rockna Wavedream.and Bricast M1 SE. I did notice there was no mention of the Manhattan II and I would be interested in your input on one this relative to Rockna, Bricasti etc.  The new Denafrips Plus also seems interesting though a bit above my budget. 

To me a key element is soundstage depth and correct placement of the players- but with intimacy when called for.  And  timbre and tone are also key elements I look for. Generally I have found that with higher end dacs detail is generally impressive so I am somewhat less worried about this aspect.

Currently my system feels a bit clinical and missing nuance/inttimacy.  To some degree I have to chalk that up to the direct usb connection from the Mac Mini and I will have to address that if I stick with USB by adding something like a Sonore.  But before doing any of this I would 1st have settle on a dac and whether it has a bridge/network card.

Anyway, thanks in advance and let me now about the Mytek Manhattan or any other thoughts I should consider.

The rest of my system consitsts of the following:
Speakers: Magico S1mk1 and Thiel 3.7
Power Amplification: Pass labs 60.5 mono's
Preamp: Vinnie Rossi used in passive configuration and Prima Luna Dialogue
Cabling: Nordost Heimdall II (including USB)


I have never heard the Manhattan II nor have I heard the Denafrips which is why they weren't covered off on.  

Based on your setup, I would look to replace the Mac Mini as part of any upgrade.  Even a Roon Nucleus will be a huge upgrade and will do more to improve sound than your DAC upgrade.  Over the weekend I had a customer swap in a Nucleus for a Mac Mini and he was just floored at the improvement.  

Regarding DAC, if soundstage depth is your concern, I would would avoid Rockna.  Rockna soundstage is very wide but not as deep as others.  Chord probably has the best soundstage depth, especially between the speakers, but a TT2 will do little to address the clinical nature of your sound.  

Bricasti is likely your best option.  It has great depth and width of soundstage.  Is detailed and very musical.  You might be able to find a used M1 or M1 SE on your budget.  You can get a new M3 on budget.  I would get either with the network card.  Either combined with a Nucleus will have a huge, positive impact on your soundstage.  

Thank you for your response-  very very helpful.  I kind of thought Bricasti would likely be the way to go- and have been debating between an M3 and an M1 SE (assuming I could find a used one and within my budget).  A straight M1 would probably be in range but then wouldn't an M3 with MDx be a somewhat better sounding DAC?
What I had not realized is that a Nucleus vs a Mac Mini would make such a difference- I simply assumed the Nucleus, while a more tailored solution, would still have the same characteristics of using a computer.  Also, I thought that once a Dac with a network card was in place + using an ethernet connection then the Mac Mini (or similar) issues would be taken out of the loop (I guess I was thinking mostly of Usb "noise").
As someone posted already getting digital right is as complicated as analog.  I am just starting to get up to speed all the intricacies and have quite a way to go.