Are two smaller subs better than one larger?

I have checked the threads, and many say that two subs are better than one. However, here is my question: are two smaller subs, say Martin Logan Depths, better than one larger sub, say Margin Logan Descent?

Thanks in advance, as usual,

Your brother in sonic bliss, or at least the continual search for it,

The rustler
Yes, in my experience, in my room. I had tried a single, 15 inch driven by 500 watt sub amp, but it did not provide the impact I thought was possible. So, I switched to smaller units. Sold off the 'big boy'. Could not be happier. Lastly. The room makes a huge difference so you will need to tweak placement to get the best effect of two units.
I went from one large to two smaller ones and prefer the pair by a large margin. The biggest improvement for me was in the soundstage rather than just in bass quality. My system is for music only, no HT.