anyone have experience with both the Schiit Gungnir Multibit and PS Audio DirectStream

Does anyone have experience with both the Schiit Gungnir Multibit and PS Audio DirectStream DAC? I currently have the Gungnir. It’s a very good DAC, but there are some things I don’t like about it, such as the annoying (to me) click it makes between tracks. For that reason and a desire for even better sonic quality, I’m considering replacing it with the DirectStream. My system is built around a McIntosh MA7900 integrated amp, Roon Nucleus (ethernet connection), good cables and power cords, and Salk Song Tower speakers (Song3 Encore speakers on order, 7 months and counting). I’d be interested in comments from anyone with experience with both DACs. Thanks!


i have had both, the directstream sound varies considerably depending on the firmware version... the latest sunlight version is more forward and overtly detailed sounding than the gumby

both have nice air/openness, excellent bass (ds maybe a touch better) and natural mids

i was surprised how much the character the ds changed going from the windom version to sunlight (like you went from a mhdt tube dac to a chord) - took a sweet musical laid back sound and really pushed it forward, almost etched and aggressive

know also that with sunlight, there will be no more further firmware updates for the psa ds platform... it is the end of road for that generation of psa dacs

Post removed 

I had the opposite perception with Sunlight. The soundstage fell back a few feet and the instrumentation SQ got closer to reality. It"s very simple to load any of the firmware, they are all downloadable. Just load on separate cards and exchange at will, to suit your ear or mood.

’It"s very simple to load any of the firmware, they are all downloadable. Just load on separate cards and exchange at will, to suit your ear or mood.

That’s excellent flexibility in my opinion. Choose the particular ’sonic signature ’ firmware download that suits you the best. Seems very straightforward. 



Wow, great info from you guys. VERY much appreciated, thank you! I didn't realize that no more updates will be forthcoming, nor that you can download and use the various firmware downloads. Thanks again, any further responses welcome also.