unscrew the bottom let’s see what’s inside , I have had upgrades to tube gear many times ,most use cheap parts unless spending well over $5 k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My tech here, and many other techs as well, believe a cap is a cap is a cap, I’ve proven this to be true in certain uses, and not true at all in other, Take my Jadis Defy 7, each KT88 has a .47 cap attached.. I took out Jadis’s small yellow stock .47 cap and instaalled Mundorf .47 SESGO, bass response registered in a very nice nuance gain. The bass is punchy and solid. Mids also made a small gain. Takman Rey resistors made a minisclue up gain. All the mods/upgardes I’ve made, all togther made for a nice upgrade,~~~
. Upgrade to my xovers in my speakers was a total waste of money.
FR speakers offer a superior soundstage. So again , upgrades, mods have to be carefully considered.
My once beloved Seas Thor speakers (same drivers as Joseph Audio’s $12000 speakers) are now dis-manteled...
, midwoofers sold,
tweeters gave away,
xovers up for sale,
cabinets went out today for the trash.
Adios xover style speakers forever,,,
YOU, too should make the switch.