@rauliruegas, with dozens of mc’s in my possession I have promised myself ( and my wife): no more cartridges. So I will not hear the Verismo in my own system, but I will get a chance to hear it at a local retailer I’ve known for many years. I will bring my own A95 and Anna and we’ll do a comparison in a controlled environment. The system used will likely be SME 15 table with V tonearm, Gryphon amplification and Harbeth 40 series speakers. Or something else they carry on a similar level. If and when that happens I’ll report our findings.
@lewm, I might bring along the MC2000 (and perhaps the MC7500) as well for an interesting historic perspective. Comparing new and vintage cartridges in my own system over the years has confirmed the impression that no major sonic breakthroughs have been accomplished over the last 30-40 years of cartridge design. Not by Ortofon and not by others. But I’ll admit, prices did go through the roof.