Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists?

When these two camps retire to their listening rooms, which school of thought tends to get better sound? Those who ultimately place their faith in measurements above actually listening to their systems? Or those of us who look at measurements, but ultimately make our decisions based on what subjectively sounds best to us?


Someone may ask you just buy a vintage piece by existing 40 decades of reviews , but how to buy a contemporary amplifier?

Simple, same method to look for NEGATIVE reviews FIRST, after that correlating and sifting positive reviews...

But because the amplifier is contemporary i will add a feature that will separate it from all the others : S.Q/ price ratio coming from an INNOVATIVE technology and very important: an affordable price...

How many contemporary amplifiers had no negative review under 10,000 bucks and an innovative revolutionary mode of working?

I will not name it and being accused here of making hype publicity...

But i discovered one that will beat my 100 bucks Sansui and even the other more refined Sansui i had bought in my Sansui fever...

But think about a 100 bucks piece of gear upgraded by a 7,000 thousand dollars improvement...

Now the only measurement that count for me,save acoustic one, are the S.Q./price ratio....


«Even full working brain cannot replace common sense most of the time, ask Richard Feynman»-Anonymus Smith

The electricians are essential to our endeavors. Their input is incredibly valuable and important in the grand scheme. I just don't want them deciding what sound I like (or can't hear).

I won't even consider a component unless I can see some measurements on it. I guess that makes me a moron. 

self awareness is key to an enlightened existence 😂🤣

i agree it's not a serious question--"better sound" is in the ear of the beholder regardless of how they arrive at it, but i would think whichever of them is stoned gets the "better sound"