Call me crazy but I love sometimes just looking at my speakers and set up...

Hello All,

You know I see all these specially designed and built home movie theaters. And they’re magnificent. And of course they all have in wall speakers. I also understand that most people don’t want to see all of the equipment. But I do. Sometimes I will just look and admire my setup (especially my speakers, but my amp too) even when I’m not listening. That’s why for me looks are very important. I feel like up to a certain point within a speaker manufacturers lineup/range everything looks mostly normal but then after about their mid line things start getting weird, LOL! I’m a lifelong Dynaudio lover and even if cost was no object the highest I’d go is Contour....Even if I were to have a true in home movie theater built I would want the speakers visible...Any of you sometimes just like to look and admire your rig?


I like looking at my speakers mostly the rest of my gear sounds a lot better than it looks luckily it sounds great.



i have the 590AXII - what a great combination of sound and features. And looks. 


It’s kind of embarrassing,but that’s the only reason my wife married me.  I’m her eye candy. 

ok, we need pics to substantiate please... 😂

I hear ya !!!!   Sitting here looking at my Zesto Leto preamp....damn it's sexy !!!   

"Any of you sometimes just like to look and admire your rig?" No, I listen to music.