KEF Blade Two - Unbelieveable

I had a chance to demo the kef blade two today.  Each were powered by an Arcam mono-block.  Just unbelievable.  I never imagined music could sound this good.  I'm completely changed because of it.  

Here I thought my KEF LS50 w/ Parasound Hint6 & 2 subs was no slouch (and it still sounds good), but the Blades were on another planet.  I can't even describe it.  What a treat.  

So, now I come to you all to help me move on from the LS50s.  I just can't afford the Blades now - no way.  But i'm enamored by the dynamic and just. huge. soundstage.

I like the LS50s - Dynamics, soundstage, depth, detail.  I like how they image being co-axial.  Is there an interim step between the LS50s and Blades that I can step to??  I'd like to keep the Hint6 too.  


I saw a pair of black Blade 2 today tagged at $15k in Just Audio in Baltimore County MD. Bought my ls50 metas there last year.  

For starters, I would never spend 25k on a speaker without hearing them in my room.  Or even 10k, for that matter.  If you buy used, that's another matter.  Onto the money aspect, I don't encourage excessive spending, but I've found that one way to avoid upgraditis is to buy something at the top end of your financial comfort zone, to the point where the next upgrade is totally unfeasible. As others have mentioned, there are low-interest credit card loans, which would make the purchase more financially sound.  Also, audio prices are rising every time you sneeze.  I was looking at a pair of $3500 speakers and they went up to $4k in just a few months.  My Harbeth SHL5s went from $4k in 2005 to 8K now.  Seems that if you can get a used pair it would be great, but if you do buy new, sometimes just biting the bullet works out best.  But do hear them in your room. 

A hard and fast rule for me. If a speaker sounds good in a show room or in ANY room, I can make it sound good in my room. It has never failed. The room and grid is 50% of the sound. The rest is Speakers, Gear, cabling, and placement.

Several times friends having issues with speakers use to bring them to the shop. 30 minutes later they were happy unless there was a speaker driver issue. It was always THEIR room and a lack of certain treatments in that room. Usually the partner was the biggest problem, it wasn't an issue to be fixed either. Loose the partner or fix the room. Make a choice. I always choose the room, loose the crap head partner, life is way to short.. LOL Dog, Rabbit and the same partner for 49 years. WAY to long.. Been dealing with a whopper for the last 3 weeks.

Merry Christmas and happy gift give away. I like watching kids and the dog open presents.. Nothing better.


Typically speaker companies have a house sound. The sound becomes more substantial (versus thinner) tighter with more detail with increasing cost. So, for me, auditioning speaker brands have led me to the sound I wanted… then upgrading (lots of research of course) within the product line is very safe unheard.

The other issue is the electronics driving them and the acoustics of where you hear them can have very substantial influence on the sound… it takes many years of experience to be able to separate what is sound characteristic is coming from what.

So the more auditioning of anything you can is helpful in developing listening skills.


I am reminded of a guy here a while ago that bought a set of world class speakers from a dealer and then kept going back lusting after a different similar different brand at the dealer, before it came out that the dealer was powering the other speakers with electronics about $200K more expensive than his in a highly tuned room. Not surprising they sounded better.