Biamp question

I have a biamping question. I am thinking of biamping leagacy audio signature se speakers using a ss Parasound a21+ for LF and a rogue st 100 for HF. I am using a rogue rp7 preamp. Anyone have any input on if this will work or not? Thanks. 


I bi-amped a pair of Legacy Focus speakers for years with no problem. I used the XM9 Electronic Crossover (, instructions here Electronic ( I used a Cary tube amp for the high frequencies and a Parasound amp for the low frequencies.  You pick the crossover frequency when you order the crossover. It’s easily changed if you like with a $10 chip. Easy-peazey. Only reason I went back to a single amp was because I downsized my listening room and the heat from the tube amp was unbearable (I live in FL). I don’t really miss bi-amping though since there are many great amps that make it unnecessary.

I do have one last question. I am assuming that both amps inputs go to the same preamps outputs. Is that a correct assumption?


Doesn't your preamp have 2 variable stereo outputs?


If so, just connect one amp to each (no need for a Y-Splitter).



And I’m pretty sure I am the most confused person in the room right now. 

I looked up your loudspeakers, they are designed to be bi-amped. Just take the strap off of the speaker terminals. They will work with or without a crossover but the proper way is with. 

oldhvy is correct in the bi-amp method, but an active crossover like russ69 mentioned is the better way to do it. You can limit the bass going to the mid/high frequency amplifier, reducing power and intermodulation distortion. This will make both the low and mid/highs much cleaner. An active crossover will also give that much greater ability for you to match the levels of each band. So many crossover choices, from DBX223, TDM24CX-2, many Ashley’s up to the Marchand, Bryston and First-watt at the top, in my opinion. You also have the choice of digital, Behringer and so many other DSP’s. We are all here to help, good luck!