Phono preamp suggestions; can I improve upon my Aesthetix Rhea Sig ?

I have just ordered a new VPI HW-40 with a Van Den Hut Crimson Stradivarius cart.  I'm now wondering if I need to upgrade my Rhea phono pre? Have already made improvements with NOS tubes.  Have looked at the Pass XP-27. Also I see the Coincident Speaker Technology Statement was just awarded product of the year award from AS.    Any thoughts?



Yes, the newer or upgraded (sent back to factory for refresh) Io phono amps are fantastic. Since you already have experience with tube rolling, you will find that you don’t have to with the newer Io Eclipse versions as Aesthetix is carefully matching tubes.

One caveat, I did have one tube in V1 start to whistle (after 30 days), and Aesthetix was going to replace it, but I ended up doing my own tube rolling anyway, and went with GL 12AX7s, which are outstanding in those positions. Other than that, I have not touched another tube and find the Io to be the one single audio component that has outlasted everything else I have owned for nearly 16 years. When you consider that, it is remarkable due to the enormous amount of tubes. It is a testament to the build quality of the Aesthetix Io series. 

Personally. I would stick with the Rhea for a while, at least until the VPI and Van den Hul have broken-in and you have a good feel for the sonics. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy the sound with your new TT and  cartridge with the Rhea Signature and NOS tubes. That is a mighty fine phono stage set up! I wouldn't be too hasty to find something else that ultimately may prove to be just a sideways move. One of the "traps" of being an audiophile is looking too far ahead at your next purchase/upgrade without fully appreciating what you already have.

I would agree with multiple folks recommending waiting until all is received and broken in. Then start thinking about the phono stage.depending on how you feel about the sound at that time, I think then start looking for a phono stage. I think you could find a much better one. Pass is great at a lot of things, but my first thought would be Audio Research, Presto, Of others for a phono stage. Really high quality and natural sounding, consider a tubed phono stage. Phono stages are really important, as I think you know.

Wait. Let the table settle in, then upgrade the Phono stage. Then again, with inflation at 9 1/2%……

With that new set up you might want to look into the Whest Audio Triton Pro or save a little and get the PS.40RDT Special Edition. either of these could be your end game phono pre.