Integrated vs. Separates on a Budget

$3000 is my max.



Miller, you are taking my comment out of context and missing the thrust of my comment. My comment/question was clearly in reference to how USED separates such as the linked Rowland Coherence One preamp and a Bryston 4B amplifier, both highly regarded and classic separates, might compare sonically to a new $3K integrated. As linked, the pair can be had used for well under $3K. 

It's an accurate quote, cut and paste. But whatever. Either way, you just made my case- comparing 3k worth of amp and preamp to 3k worth of integrated, forgetting the money needed for the interconnect required to use them.

And yes, a $3k Raven Nighthawk will walk all over that, no matter what interconnect you magically get for free and forget to mention. 


That’s certainly a comparison that I would like to hear.  Anyway, that is why I asked the question.  It was not an assertion of any kind since as I said before, I have not kept up with the integrated market.  Nor do I feel the need to as I’m perfectly happy with my separates.  Instead of answering an “honest question”, you lecture.  You certainly have a way about you, Miller.  

Klimt  The Bluesound Node has an acceptable DAC built in so it has both digital and analog outputs.

The analog outputs would work with your Denon.

When/if you get a new integrated that has a DAC in it, you can use the digital outputs on the Node to utilize a better DAC.

BTW, I replaced Emotiva separates with a Parasound New Classic 200 Integrated amp and haven't looked back. I'm enjoying it's many features and excellent sound quality. It has a better DAC than my Node  so I use the digital outputs and it has a phono stage that supports mm and MC cartridges. At $1300 it doesn't quite compare with the $3000 integrated, but it leaves you some cash for a turntable, cartridge and some better cables.

I was staying away from the separates/integrateds debate, but since the thread has gone there:

Years ago, I moved from separates to integrateds.  One of my audiophile mentors suggested I go integrated, and I was a bit miffed, wondering if he was suggesting I was not a "real audiophile." 

But  he was right -- for me.  I agree with many of the points millercarbon makes -- if not his abiding disdain for civility ;) -- regards things  like cabling and rack space. 

I'd add that for me non-sonic considerations favor integrateds: a cleaner, less complex visual on the rack, and less troubleshooting and less to go wrong.  I don't seriously fool with my system much (except for dealing with the ever-fickle Roon!).

Of course, I understand the opposite perspective, favoring a visually imposing rack, with lots to tinker with.

I'm definitely curious to hear the case for separates over integrateds, at the same price point.  I've heard the arguments about less channel cross-talk for monoblocks, but them seems less relevant for separates with 1 box for power, as I assume are discussing here.

Thoughts from frogman or anyone?