The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 

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 Hi Ted,

  I replaced my orange fuses with purple fuses and put them in the exact same direction as the orange fuses which I listened to for direction when I installed the orange fuses.

  The purple fuses made a big difference.  Would you suggest that I once again check the purple fuses for direction and not just go with what sounded good for the orange fuses.

  Thanks for moving the bar forward in developing the purple fuses. I took one of your dealers up on a free in home trial of your Tranquility pod that I placed on my pre-amp.  It didn't go back to the dealer. I don’t know how or why it works. I can say this it too made a big difference in the quality of sound.





Simguy the best practice would be to replace one Orange fuse with a Purple fuse one fuse change at a time starting in the same direction. If the new Purple fuse immediately sounds better in most ways over Orange in the same orientation, then simply go to the next fuse location, no need to listen in both directions. If however you encounter one application or two where a Purple fuse does not immediately sound better in most ways simply reverse direction. Again you don’t need to listen both ways with all fuses, only when a single Purple fuse is not a significant upgrade in most ways over an outgoing Orange fuse. This is down to a new long duration high-voltage conditioning process first developed for SRX cables.

I hope this helps.