Everyone know what detail means. You can look it up in the dictionary.
If that was true, we'd all know that, and there would not be a discussion happening here. So, no.
Dictionaries report how words are used. People use the same word in different senses, and sometimes those senses are in conflict.
You might consider, instead, that there are at least three levels of meaning.
The first level of meaning about a concept is an unreflective grasp of it, in everyday experience. I grasp "gravity" by knowing how to keep myself stable while walking.
The second level of meaning is to be able to give a definition of the concept. This will be general, apart from any particular experience. A dictionary reports the various definitions people come up with. They are often at odds with one another.
There is a third level of meaning, which is what this thread is working on. It aims to understand all the possible practical implications -- experiences, sensations, even measurements (where appropriate). Once all those possible, practical bearings have been explored, we have a full conception of what we’re talking about.