He did, he lives in different countries. I appreciate the input on the arm….. and difficulty w USA support.
Next TT
@rsf507 I live in Spain, and I am half German, half Basque. I do not think the problem with support is a general problem. I think it is more of a USA, kind of thing. I bought the Acoustic Signature because I have a good friend with an Ascona, with SAT and Kuzma tonearms and LOVE the combination. I just could not justify an Ascona for the USA so I bought a Typhoon and then ended with a Montana. For Xmas I got my partner another TechDas Air Force One Premium, two things happened, I was really upset that Acoustic Signature did not have a Kuzma armbase in stock and took a long time, a little more than a month, to get one. I understand that they can't have all armbases in stock, but a Kuzma or a SAT? Also the speed issue, I was lead to believe that it was normal to have to turn off and on the TT to make the speed change despite my instance. The distributor insisted, finally I reached out to AS in Germany because I just could not believe this. Their answer was a resounding "absolutely NOT", and as half German that works with German engineers all the time, such answers are not that common. This also still pending, now I am almost 3 months(?) in and the table still not working as designed. Then TechDas, learned I was buying an AS and they reached out to me with an incredible good deal. So between my misplaced frustration with AS and the Air Force One Premium + a 4point Kuzma + a SAT CF1-09 deal I got, I decided to got with TechDas. @4krowme I have a VPI in the USA, I did a bunch of upgrades and still not liked it. Granted that coming from $50k+ TTs to a VPI was not a fair step, I could not get to enjoy it despite upgrading the tonearm to a FatBoy, putting a motor of the avenger, a platter from their high end. I ended spending a lot of money on a table I decided it was not for me. I listened to their high end and still carried the same character so I decided to go with what I think it was the next step closer to what I like. At the end I was torn between the ClearAudio and Acoustic Signature and AMG for my house in the USA. I was able to return the Avenger motor, and now I have the VPI for sale here through the dealer that sold me the AS. Hopefully when I get back to the USA to get my Pathos Heritage, ROSr racks and my Montana I will be able to enjoy and forget the transaction with the AS and VPI. I am not saying the VPI is a bad table, because it is very nice, sounds great too, but it misses something I like and can't put my finger on. |
That bites. I felt that MF did indicate the arm was basic in its VTA adjustment. Quote: "Locking and unlocking the collar-fixing screw and manually raising or lowering the pillar, which is unmarked for height, sets VTA/SRA. It's basic but super-rigid and the machining tolerances feel extremely precise: The pillar goes, in a hair-turn of the grub screw, from rock-solid secure to dropping like a pound and a half rock, so it pays to be cautious. (The extremely detailed, well-written manual says, "Be aware, that when opening the VTA locking screw, the arm might fall down." "Might"? Like London Bridge, it will!)"