Classical Music for Aficionados

I would like to start a thread, similar to Orpheus’ jazz site, for lovers of classical music.
I will list some of my favorite recordings, CDs as well as LP’s. While good sound is not a prime requisite, it will be a consideration.
  Classical music lovers please feel free to add to my lists.
Discussion of musical and recording issues will be welcome.

I’ll start with a list of CDs.  Records to follow in a later post.

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique.  Chesky  — Royal Phil. Orch.  Freccia, conductor.
Mahler:  Des Knaben Wunderhorn.  Vanguard Classics — Vienna Festival Orch. Prohaska, conductor.
Prokofiev:  Scythian Suite et. al.  DG  — Chicago Symphony  Abbado, conductor.
Brahms: Symphony #1.  Chesky — London Symph. Orch.  Horenstein, conductor.
Stravinsky: L’Histoire du Soldat. HDTT — Ars Nova.  Mandell, conductor.
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances. Analogue Productions. — Dallas Symph Orch. Johanos, cond.
Respighi: Roman Festivals et. al. Chesky — Royal Phil. Orch. Freccia, conductor.

All of the above happen to be great sounding recordings, but, as I said, sonics is not a prerequisite.


My favorite violin interpretation ever, not because he is the best violonist no more than the more perfect virtuoso... Not at all listen to Milstein and Heifetz for this...

Like said once the great poet Rene Char : "imperfection is the peak" ....

Disembodied static "perfection" is always UNDER embodied living "imperfection" like this Szeriyng interpretation here...

No other interpretation vehicle a so deep spiritual charge, it is no more simply violin playing here... Only a miracle... You can verify with another more sound perfected version by Szeryng in 1967 for Deutsch after this 1955 unique version... He is no more a match for himself anymore... I sold this 1967 version after one listen.... Miracle happen once...

This album is my violin love forever....We can sense the heart beat of spiritual respiration of a soul inhaling the cosmos...Is it music?  Embodied music of the sphere here , too intense to be only beautiful....Uniting body and world....Bach must have played like that or would have wanted be able to play like that....Bach for me is IN this work like the Fournier version of the cello opus for the same reason on par with one of the Starker version ( they are five beware)....

Ok the sound is not the best possible it is not so well balanced but so what? i discarded all other well recorded version, BECAUSE our RESPIRATION change listening this and i discovered listening this that we listen with our body then with our LUNG/heart not only with our ears....This is a YOGA lesson in the listening and playing art... Respiration as a cosmic fact...

Schopenhauer was right, music place us in the noumenal dimension of the world where there is no more a listening and a playing body, no mere an internal subjectivity in front of an objective world... Only one cosmic respiration like the AUM of the Indian cosmologist...





I forgot to thank


For reminding me and us about this interpration....

I apologize for my passionnate embrace of ONE interpretation..

But when someone could discover that we listen ALWAYS in fact with our lung inhaling/exhilarating body participation is it not surprizing?

For me it was with this album i experienced it consciously for the first time in my life 35 five years ago....Dietrich-Fischer- Dieskau would had smile at me for sure and taught me a lesson about singing...Any playing jazz musicians sax or trumpeters would have smile at me too...

And what appear as a miracle for me is only an usual phenomenon for most musicians and singers...But i am only a listener...And many in audio thread are like i was anyway, they think that we listen only with our ears...

Merry christmast to you and to all

I agree with you mahgister, and really admire your intellect.

As you say you and I are in the audience and I gather frogman is in the band .

He will hear things you and I will never hear , or want to and vice -versa .

Frogman being a musician smile at me for sure, but being a wise one he know that even passive listener could experience music also as a spiritual embodied event...

Thank you jim559 for your kind words...

Szeryng had a technic that he was is in complete control of in every second he played,

I never heard anyone like him ,   

He was Polish . No one is more stubborn than they .




