When using jumper cables instead of biwire speaker cables, do the jumpers need to be as good a quality or better than the actual quality of the  speaker wires? The jumpers need to be 6” to 9” long. Also is it better to hook the main speaker wires to the low end and then run the jumpers to the high end or visa versa?


Nordost Oden gold jumpers at 49K a set


I bought 6 sets, they had none in stock they were flying off the shelf. :-) sure they were.

NOW, Back to reality...

The best on the planet 50.00 USD or make your own for 5-20.00 or so..


If the wire guage of jumpers is so important, wouldn't the same apply to fuses? Based on cable theory the thin fuse wire would act like a blockage in a water hose, slowing the flow.

Personally, I never drive anywhere in winter without jumper cables in the trunk. 

I have tried a lot of home brew and cheap manufactured versions of jumpers on several speakers.  I have also experimented with attaching single run wires to different terminals on the speaker:  1) different jumpers sound different.  2) price is irrelevant. 3) what sounds best depends on your amp, speakers and cables.

So no one can tell you what will sound best in your system.  I suggest starting with decent bulk cable and cut short lengths with bare wire ends and adjust configurations to see how that sounds.