Devore or Audio Note or other sensitive speakers: wanting to listen in Denver

I'm on the hunt for a sensitive speakers to play really nicely with my Quicksilver Mono 60 amps. I've heard some nice Spatial X3's here in Denver thanks to a local audiophile. I was especially taken by their AMT tweeters.

If you're in the Denver area and have Devore, Audio Note, Zu, Tekton, or any other speaker which has really worked well for your tube amps, please DM me. I would be deeply grateful for even  an hour of listening time. Thank you!


@jperry Thanks for clarifying. I'll look for the ProAc. It looks like a flight may be in order. 

@ghasley I may need to go somewhere. I'm interested in any Devore or Audio Note speaker. I need to grok their sound, in general, the way I was able to with the Spatials with a local bloke.

The point of this post is to see if any private individual in Denver has these speakers and might be willing to meet up.

I posted this question about Spatials on AudioCircle and had someone reply in less than an hour with an invite to come over to his house. We had a great time.

Have you checked with Audio Alternative in Fort Collins?  I know at one tiime he had some Zu speakers.

@hilde45 can you broadly describe your room and the desired setup? The sound between the O series and the Audio Note is vaguely similar but it all depends on the room because they each kindof get there via opposite origins. For instance, if you don’t have corners, Audio Note can be challenging. If all you have are near wall options in your room, Devore can sometimes over load the room. I’ve had AN-E and O96 in the same room with the same gear and lets just say it takes some work…its worth it but it takes work. Setup is key and the placement of these two speakers is not even remotely similar.


new york city!!!

see jd in person and hear an’s (and devores) at herb’s house

stop at grand central for chowder and oysters and p lugers for meatfest!!


Speaker companies that sell direct - like Zu - have a return policy. Plus you would be able to audition them at home.