Just a remark about anthropomorphisation of animals and the reduction, in some quarter of "civilization", of all life to be only machines, even us at the other extreme in transhumanism cult for example coming from the cartesian dualism divide...
These 2 attitude are TOOLS coming from different cultures at different times in history...Domestication of animals is linked with their anthropomorphisation, our own humanity is born from animals and plants...Cutting this link is loosing ourselves...
Which one is the most useful tool LONG TERM ? Asking the question is answering it....
It is not so much that we imbue animals and plants of a part of ourselves, which is true for sure, it is them that give us a material and spiritual life and the feeling of the "sacred" to begin with anyway...
«Plants "speaks" so to speak, and it is not so much ONLY an antropomorphism gesture than the lost of our inattentive "superiority" over which appear to be for science now no more mere materials to be used than a consciousness living on another time scale....
For sure your observation is right but must me compensated or balanced by another one.... This is the reason of my post...
Humans tend to imbue things with qualities not present. Personification of animals comes to mind. Seems reasonable that we’d imbue inanimate objects with a part of ourselves as well, maybe even more than an animal since it hasn’t life of it’s own until we complete the process.