Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components

I installed a set of Isoacoustics Gaia 2s on my speakers about a month ago and was extremely pleased with them. I'm now curious about the Oreas.

My components are currently placed on a good rack with Finite Elemente Cerabase footers at the bottom of the rack. I was wondering if individual isolators such as the Orea or Seismic Pod placed under components can further improve sound quality. I've read contradictory comments about the Orea. Some say they brought an appreciable difference when placed under components such as DAC or amplifiers. Some say they bring nothing to the sound, zero difference.

I would appreciate experiences on the Isoacoustics Orea or the Townshend Seismic Pod, or the comparison between the two products. The Oreas look better than the Pods to me although the latter may be costlier.


Were you to apply that criteria to posting regulations on this forum it would be a 10th of the size … Are you saying that any images of say an amplifier , a DAC etc etc showing the internal build quality should be made verboten as irrelevant?

You really are obtuse. I'm saying that posting a photo of the innards of a product, and, without further context, suggesting that it is therefore overpriced, is dumb.

There is far more important and compelling evidence on this thread supporting the value of the product, and yet you have no answer beyond regurgitating your biased photos.

Well .. I am somewhat disappointed in you , What further context than an image showing the internal construction of a product leaving members to make their own minds up as to the value is required ?

As to how an accurate and true image can be inferred to support a  bias ? It is inanimate .

You're disappointed in me? lmao!

What further context than an image showing the internal construction of a product leaving members to make their own minds up as to the value is required ?

The value of the design, as evidenced by how the product works!

As to how an accurate and true image can be inferred to support a  bias ? It is inanimate 

Surely you aren't that ignorant. Readers need only juxtapose your photos with those of millercarbon to see your obvious bias.


Why keep giving this gentleman/woman the time? He has no argument to present, beyond it is overpriced. Until he comes with a similar product that performs as good and cheaper there is no case argue.

BTW, I just tested the solid-tech feet and come nowhere close to Townshend or  Credo.

Marry Christmas to all those who have contributed to my learnings in this forum, and to those that are so angry Merry Christmas to you too, and I hope that for the sake of your health that you find something that brings peace and joy. 
